GAF TigerPaw Underlayment
GAF TigerPaw is another specially designed product with excellent durability and walkability to enhance the grip and, therefore, the safety of anyone working on it. It is not 100% waterproof, but the GAF TigerPaw offers excellent water resistance, guaranteed to work efficiently even in some harsh weather areas. In addition, it is 600% stronger than the #30 asphalt felt, which makes it an even better choice for your rooftop underlayment.
The experts specifically design the synthetic roofing underlayment products to cater to unique underlayment requirements. Now you must have a fair idea of what is the best synthetic roofing underlayment. But, while there is a wide range of products available, you must know your exact requirements and the various options available to help deal with your rooftop demands. We strongly recommend browsing the Internet and contacting experienced professionals to help you make this crucial choice and ensure that you enjoy the highest returns on your investment.